Their 2025 harvest depends upon the rains and mixing a good compost fertilizer


What we say to gogos, orphans and youth in one of the world's poorest countries: 


In Malawi Africa

Community-Based Child Care Programs . . . The educational foundation to a bright future!

Community-Based Child Care Programs . . . The educational foundation to a bright future!

CBCCs (Community Based Childcare Centers) - A Child's Great Start

Early Childhood Education is not babysitting in a village. It is the beginning of a path out of poverty and disease, leading to higher education and healthier children and communities!  SAFE sponsored preschools are holistic-- addressing the cognitively, social, physical and spiritual needs of a child.

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The highly effective WHY WAIT? curriculum instils biblical life skills in public and private schools and colleges. SAFE Life Youth Club activities include evangelism, discipleship, tutoring and support for teen mothers.

The highly effective WHY WAIT? curriculum instils biblical life skills in public and private schools and colleges. SAFE Life Youth Club activities include evangelism, discipleship, tutoring and support for teen mothers.

Youth Development - Why Wait?

SAFE Life Youth Clubs and SAFE Haven

SAFE knows the importance of working with the youth--the median age in Malawi is 16.5 years. Positively impacting the lives of youth are our SAFE Life Youth Clubs, SAFE Haven, Teen Mother Support Groups, Orphan Bursaries (school fees) and Mailbox Club. The character and servant-leader hearts of these youth are impressive.

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Malawi's poor and aging village grandmothers and grandfathers daily face the challenge of raising the more than one million children orphaned by disease and the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Our assistance programs bring vital seeds and fertilizer, preschools …

Malawi's poor and aging village grandmothers and grandfathers daily face the challenge of raising the more than one million children orphaned by disease and the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Our assistance programs bring vital seeds and fertilizer, preschools and tuition help, nutrition and hygine training and a the support of a spiritual community.

GOGOs (Grandparents) - Meeting physical, emotional and spiritual needs

In Malawi, "gogo" is the word for grandmother/grandfather  . . .  the ones shouldering the burden of raising a whole generation of children and grandchildren orphaned by the HIV/AIDS pandemic and other diseases. Here's what Gogo / SAFE is doing to address this challenge.

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Women, including men and youth, in churches and communities across America, organize a local Gogo Grandmothers group to partner in providing supportive prayer and care to assist the gogos and their orphans in rural villages across Malawi.

Women, including men and youth, in churches and communities across America, organize a local Gogo Grandmothers group to partner in providing supportive prayer and care to assist the gogos and their orphans in rural villages across Malawi.

In AMERICA - Support groups partner with Malawi villages

Gogo / SAFE Groups across America are putting love and care for Malawi village gogos, orphans and youth into action. Chartered groups receive tools, training, promotional resources, ideas and regular news from their village. Participants often comment on how this involvement blesses their life as well. What a Group group can accomplish is amazing. 

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Today, a vulnerable child... Tomorrow, Malawi's best future! 

Helping children realize their brightest future -- morally, spiritually, educationally and practically --  is one of life's highest callings and privileges. These "real stories" of children and adults spur us to act.


James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress...
