Updated FEBRUARY 1, 2025

February 2025 Prayer Requests:

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” – John 13:34

SAFE Haven Kids are sending you some love!

Thank you Lord . . .

  • For the rains that have started coming to many parts of the country. There is hope for a good harvest despite the late replanting in January that had to be done in some districts.

  • For the maize that was delivered to Kachindamoto to help those struggling to find food at this time. 80 gogos will benefit from this program there.

  • For the good enrollment of preschool children in our 20 CBCCs. Each child is precious and loved by God! The assessment results have shown that the children are doing very well.

  • That our CBCCs still have some bags of maize in stock to feed the children.

  • For supplying our CBCCs (preschools) with feeding and teaching supplies such as soya, sugar, salt, soap, buckets, plates, spoons, mats, flip charts, reams of plain and colored paper, chalk, markers, notebooks, crayons, pencils, registers, masking tape, office glue, and wood glue.

  • For the successful management training conducted in all SAFE-sponsored village communities. The communities even took ownership of making play and learning items for their village CBCCs (preschools).

  • For the Gogo meetings where important practical topics are covered. The gospel is shared, and the gogos have time to interact with one another, share experiences, and share God’s Love and truth, as Gogo meetings are grounds for forgiveness and peace.

  • For the hard-working spirit of our Mailbox Club patrons who are teachers in the schools. This is especially true since our teachers take on this task voluntarily.

  • For the prison ministry, where SAFE continues to be able to share God’s love and truth with the inmates

    through discipleship programs and Bible studies.

  • For the lives of students being transformed through Why Wait? Life Skills Curriculum in schools. We are seeing progress in student’s lives as new teachers and schools are implementing Why Wait? life skills lessons.

  • Ongoing praise for the faithful SAFE/Gogo groups, churches, and supporters who pray for the SAFE ministries in Malawi and give to support SAFE's mission to change lives in vulnerable communities as they share God's love and truth in words and action.

Praying for. . .

  • Please pray for good repair work on the security wall around our SAFE headquarters in Zomba. A 30-foot section fell during a sudden heavy rainstorm, and work has already begun.

  • Pray for those in Malawi who are facing severe food shortages caused by both drought and flooding. Also, pray for our SAFE team as they continue to assess the needs in the villages we sponsor. We pray for a bumper harvest from this year‘s Mbeya fertilizer that the gogos produced.

  • Pray for a good harvest from the two communal gardens in Luzi for Hangalawe CBCC and Tayamba CBCC. The gogos cultivated maize and soybeans for these CBCCs (preschools). We pray God blesses the gogos with good health and strength to continue working in both gardens and their own until they harvest.

  • Pray for the (Luzi) Hangalawe Gogo group, which has been given a field by the chiefs where they can collectively grow crops for the development of their community. Pray for the success of this new venture.

  • Pray for Kachindamoto. In December, it rained twice, and although the community planted, it was in vain, as the rain was not the expected planting rain. Instead, they faced dry spells and extreme heat for the entire month. Pray that what they replanted in January will grow.

  • Please pray for the students at Naisi Community Day Secondary School. The school management seek SAFE's assistance to help the students with the Why Wait? principles and to provide counseling. The students are suffering from emotional and physical abuse. Pray that God grants the right words from the Bible as we counsel the students.

  • Pray for WHY WAIT? teachers who teach examination classes, such as standard 8 at primary level and forms 2 and 4 at secondary level. May God help the teachers cover the syllabus so that the students prepare well for the examinations.

  • Pray for the new Why Wait? radio program, which God will use to reach the hearts of many Malawian youth. Cathy Cheong desires to see Why Wait?’s Truth for Youth lessons embraced by kids through radio.

  • Pray for Joyce Mhone, SAFE’s new Coordinator for Hangalawe (Luzi) in the north, and for our two new caregivers, Elida for Tayamba CBCC and Femia for Hangalawe CBCC. We pray for God's wisdom for them and the 85 caregivers and 44 cooks who diligently care for over 2,000 children at the 20 SAFE CBCCs (preschools) each school day.

Ongoing Prayer Items . . .

  • Pray for beneficial rain that will nourish crops without damaging maize gardens or homes. Ask God to safeguard their gardens and bring about a fruitful harvest in April to alleviate the “Hungry Time" now.

  • Pray that God will direct Aaron Gondwe and Jon Lewis, who are involved in developing SAFE Haven’s Youth Center Park site. Pray that discussions with the city will create unity of vision and purpose.

  • Pray for Malawi as it prepares for the 2025 Tripartite Elections. With the Lord's help, pray that the elections will be free and fair.

Pray for the SAFE staff and their families in Malawi…

Praying for our SAFE staff and volunteers who faithfully teach, love, and serve the young and old in Jesus’ name in the villages, schools, prisons, and at SAFE Haven.

  • Benjamin Khoswe, Executive Director and Director of Finance

  • Mary Phiri, Community Development Director

  • Precious Ntibula, Monitoring & Evaluation Manager

  • Catherine Cheonga, Why Wait? National Coordinator

  • Atukuzwe Nghlovu, Why Wait? Officer

  • Lameck Kananji, Evangelism & Discipleship Officer

  • Aaron Gondwe, Education, Evangelism & Discipleship Manager

  • Brenda Lisimba, Community Development Officer (Southern Village Communities)

  • Michael Mvundula Khumalo, Community Development Officer (Kachindamoto)

  • Timaleni Biswick, Finance and Administration Manager (acting)

  • Sydney Kapindu, Driver/ Mechanic Logistics Officer

  • Gloria Gama, Community Development Officer (Northern Village Communities)

  • Symon Harawa, SAFE Haven Officer

thank you for YOUR LOVE-FILLED prayers!