Updated MARCH 1, 2025
March 2025 Prayer Requests:
“Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.” – John 13:34 (Good News Translation)
Form 6 Why Wait? Students starting a discussion group
Thank you Lord . . .
We thank God that with the lean period of hunger still two months away from ending, the World Food Program is set to procure, transport, and distribute 786 metric tons of maize to reach 71,000 vulnerable Malawians. Another three million Malawians are expected to receive relief food from the consignment that the government has procured with funding from the World Bank. Some of our gogos are among the beneficiaries.
For the transformed lives of students in schools because of Why Wait? lessons. There are many stories of positive behavior change, which helps them focus on their studies.
For all the teachers who are committed to teaching, Why Wait? lessons in schools. They do this solely on a voluntary basis.
For the financial support that has enabled SAFE to buy, Why Wait? Stationery for schools. It comprises flip charts and markers to be used during Why Wait? Life skills lessons. Poor teachers and poor schools cannot provide these things.
For the good rains that Malawi is receiving. There is hope for a good but late harvest in many parts of the country.
For all the children coming to SAFE Haven. We thank God for our volunteers, Steinberg, Regina, and Gospel. They have been a good helping hand in sharing God’s love with the children.
For God’s help in finding a new SAFE Haven Officer. She is Miss Camilla Simango. She was born on 24 August 2000 and is single. She holds a first degree in Social Science from the University of Malawi and will start work on March 4.
For establishing a strong Evangelism and Discipleship committee for Kachindamoto. Their plan to conduct follow-up visits to Bible study groups was successful. In February, thirteen out of twenty Bible study groups were visited.
For supplying more of our CBCCs (preschools) with feeding and teaching supplies such as soya, sugar, salt, soap, buckets, plates, spoons, mats, flip charts, reams of plain and colored paper, chalk, markers, notebooks, crayons, pencils, registers, masking tape, office glue, and wood glue.
For all evangelism activities taking place in all our village communities and for the lost souls being saved by sharing God’s word by our teams.
For all Gogos who gather once a month to do Bible studies. We have seen many strengthened in their faith.
For the prison and school Jesus Film showings and the Bible Mailbox club activities. Through these, we see God redeeming lives.
For the open doors at two more prisons, Mpsyupsu Prison and Chilwa Reformatory Centre. Where SAFE can reach out to inmates to encourage them through discipleship programs and Bible studies.
For the badly needed repair work being accomplished at our SAFE headquarters in Zomba which has been damaged by water erosion.
Ongoing praise for the faithful SAFE/Gogo groups, churches, and supporters who pray for the SAFE ministries in Malawi and give to support SAFE's mission to change lives in vulnerable communities as they share God's love and truth in words and action.
Praying for. . .
Pray for the people of Malawi, who are struggling to cope with rising commodity prices. The food inflation rate is currently 36%. Also, pray for God's amazing grace to sustain the poor communities, including our Gogos.
Pray for people in Malawi who have HIV. Like many other diseases, HIV is managed, not cured. Treatment is administered through daily pills or bi-monthly injections. Consistency matters. At the time of writing, PEPFAR is among the initiatives that have been issued a limited waiver to continue some of their operations. We are grateful these programs’ significance has been recognized, even though the future of international aid to those most in need remains uncertain.
Please pray for the Kumwenda family as they mourn the loss of their father, Laisat Kumwenda. Laisat was one of the chiefs trained in Evangelism and Discipleship at Luzi, Hangalawe CBO, and was a dedicated chief there. He went to be with the Lord on February 17.
Pray for Why Wait? teachers that God grants them a hardworking and dedicated spirit as they implement the curriculum. May they realize that, Why Wait? is a vital tool for shaping a God-fearing and morally upright community. Pray they don’t lose their passion for imparting biblical truth to their students.
Pray for Jon Lewis as he starts the SAFE Haven Ark’s renovation work at SAFE Haven. Pray for God to grant him strength to complete the work in time. Termites have consumed everything that is not metal! The interior needs to be completely gutted and rebuilt. Pray it can be quickly renovated, allowing the kids' programs to continue with minimal interruption.
Pray that all children participating at SAFE Haven will continue to grow in the Lord and that God will give them the grace to excel in their studies.
We pray for a good harvest from the two communal gardens where grandmothers are cultivating maize and soybeans for two CBCCs (preschools). We pray God will bless these grandmothers with good health and strength to continue working in both gardens, plus their own gardens, until they complete the harvest.
Pray for the new Why Wait? radio program, which God will use to reach the hearts of many Malawian youth. Cathy Cheonga desires to see Why Wait?’s Truth for Youth lessons embraced by kids through radio.
Pray for the 85 caregivers and 44 cooks who diligently care for over 2,400 children at SAFE’s 20 CBCCs (preschools) each school day.
Pray for SAFE’s Prison Ministry, where God’s love is shared with the inmates, and the two new prisons Mpsyupsu Prison and Chilwa Reformatory Centre where Lameck has been asked to start programs.
Pray for great participation in our 2025 LOVE CARES Malawi Walkabout fundraiser on May 3. The proceeds will benefit children and youth in Malawi.
Ongoing Prayer Items . . .
Pray for Malawi as it prepares for the 2025 Tripartite Elections. With the Lord's help, pray that the elections will be free and fair.
Pray for the SAFE staff and their families in Malawi…
Praying for our SAFE staff and volunteers who faithfully teach, love, and serve the young and old in Jesus’ name in the villages, schools, prisons, and at SAFE Haven.
Benjamin Khoswe, Executive Director and Director of Finance
Mary Phiri, Community Development Director
Precious Ntibula, Monitoring & Evaluation Manager
Catherine Cheonga, Why Wait? National Coordinator
Atukuzwe Nghlovu, Why Wait? Officer
Lameck Kananji, Evangelism & Discipleship Officer
Aaron Gondwe, Education, Evangelism & Discipleship Manager
Brenda Lisimba, Community Development Officer (Southern Village Communities)
Michael Mvundula Khumalo, Community Development Officer (Kachindamoto)
Timaleni Biswick, Finance and Administration Manager (acting)
Sydney Kapindu, Driver/ Mechanic Logistics Officer
Gloria Gama, Community Development Officer (Northern Village Communities)
Symon Harawa, SAFE Haven Officer