Give a Bible in the Chichewa Language

Chichewa is the primary language spoken in Malawi and these Bibles are essential to all of SAFE’s programs. They serve as the textbook for SAFE’s "Why Wait? Truth for Youth” curriculum used in public schools. Evangelism and discipleship teams require Bibles to disciple old and new believers within their village communities. Additionally, these Bibles are highly valued by inmates in prison who have come to know Jesus and graduated from SAFE's discipleship program.

$20 donaton - BIBLE+STUDENT PAIR

(Complete your Bible in Chichewa gift(s) using the form below.)


Click Here to Download our “IN YOUR HONOR” Gift Card. Use it to announce to a recipient the gift donation you enter below.


COMPLETE your Gift Bible(s) in chichewa Donation Form BELOW

Note: If you wish to also donate other “gift” items, please click here to return to the page showing five gift options and click on a different icon. (We apologize, our donation software does not yet function like a “shopping cart” allowing multiple items to be selected on the same form. A separate gift entry form is required.)