Please join us . . . the LOVE WINS 2024 MALAWI WALKABOUT Benefit April 27th

(…OR WALK ON the date of your choice)

Imagine, by donating (or sponsoring a walker) . . . what your love can accomplish.

You’ll be giving a “hand up” to 2,378 poor grandmothers (gogos) in Malawi Africa and the orphans and vulnerable children in their care. They are living through a time of severe hunger caused by Cyclone Freddy in 2023 which left many families without their expected maize harvest.  

Our goal is to raise $65,000 to provide fertilizer for the gogos’ next planting season and help with the daily feeding and education of 2,525 children in SAFE's 20 Christian preschools.

Little children don’t understand the full impact of a fertilizer shortage, a cyclone at harvest time, or the recent 44% devaluation of their country’s currency. But they do understand a full tummy of nutritious porridge served with Jesus’ love!

Thank you for helping Love Win!
"There’s no better exercise for the heart than to lift up children!"

LOVE WINS: Walkers raise funds from friends and family who donate to their walk or even become walkers themselves.

WHERE/WHEN: April 27th (But you can choose a different day to walk). Walk at any time, any location, and any distance you or your group chooses. Download and read the 10 amazing "Walking in Malawi" stories to Print and read them as you walk with friends or family.

REGISTRATION: Register as a walker and get started seeing your love win!

Special WALKABOUT Resources for Donors and Donor/Walkers:

Download 10 inspiring “Walking in Malawi” stories — these explain what this Walkabout supports. PRINT OUT AND READ the PDF. Or, OPEN the PDF on your phone.


  1. FROM the above DOWNLOAD FILe, also print Your walker “bib” to wear (LAST PAGE). IT may attract an opportunity to share some of the stories along the way.

Visit for a quick look at this ministry

SAFE-Africa/Gogo Grandmothers supports the ministries of SAFE in Malawi Africa -- one of the poorest countries in the world. SAFE gives a hand up to grandmothers (gogos) raising orphans -- young village children needing food and education -- and older youth, desperately in need of the hope and direction that Jesus Christ can give them.

SAFE works in collaboration with our sponsored villages, training leaders, and teachers to impact thousands of lives for Christ.

  • 2,378 registered gogos are being taught God's love and truth and assisted with essential needs like fertilizer, blankets, and mosquito nets -- and they in turn give back to the children.

  • 2,525 young children 3-6 years-old are being prepared for life and learning in SAFE's 20 preschools. The daily feeding program is vitally important to prevent malnutrition.

  • Thousands of students are being given a future of hope because of SAFE's 8-year biblically based Why Wait? life-skills curriculum changing their lives in their primary and secondary school years.

Learning to love Jesus and others is the heart of each program in the villages and schools!

Use these fliers to recruit sponsors for your walk!

(Write in your information . . . name and phone # on the flier.)

Get the above fliers from your local walk coordinator or text your request to 760-500-4311. (Include your mailing address and 10 fliers will be sent to you.)

Or, click here to download a PDF with 3 fliers on a page to print your own. (It loads slow.)